Membership Registration

::: 若您已為會員卻無法登入,您的帳號可能是舊站帳號,請來信至客服信箱 ( huayuworld@gmail.com),由客服人員協助您啟動舊帳號。
If you are already a member but cannot log in, your account might be for the old website. Please contact the customer service via huayuworld@gmail.com to reactivate your account.

未選擇任何檔案 / No file chosen

Please use 6-15 characters with a mix of lowercase letters and numbers, and the first character must be a lowercase letter. Special characters are not allowed.
The passwords must be 12-20 characters long and include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters(@, $, !, %, *, ? or &).
  • 全球華文網所有會員隱私資料,皆會寄至您的註冊信箱,為避免您收不到重要通知信,請確保填寫之註冊信箱可正常收發信件。
  • Personal information may be sent to your registered email. Please make sure the email address is correct and active to receive important notification letters.
  • 註冊後此項目無法修改。
  • It cannot be modified after registration.
  • 若未收到通知信,請先檢視是否在垃圾信隔離區中。
  • If you do not receive any notification letter, please check your spam folder.